Pricing Options

We have several options for our services that includes pricing for established websites, new websites, and website up-keep. Take a look at the opportunities below and see which one suits you best!

Existing Website Audit Pricing


-Flat Rate-

  • Review of website performance for last 6 months
  • Competitor analysis
  • Content and keyword analysis
  • Speed and technical analysis
  • Report with findings and suggestions (digital and hard copy)
  • Set-up or optimize tracking tools




-Flat Rate-

  • Review of website performance for last 6 months
  • Competitor analysis
  • Content and keyword analysis
  • Speed analysis
  • User experience (UX) evaluation
  • Technical analysis
  • Report with findings and suggestions (digital and hard copy)
  • Set-up or optimize tracking tools



Website Creation Pricing


-Flat Rate-

  • Domain and hosting advice
  • Competitive analysis
  • Keyword analysis
  • Website creation (full implementation)
  • SEO optimization, including:
    • Content editing
    • Metadata
    • Alt text
  • Google Analytics and Google Search Console setup




-Flat Rate-

  • Domain and hosting advice
  • Competitive analysis
  • Keyword analysis
  • Website creation (full implementation)
  • SEO optimization, including:
    • Content editing
    • Metadata 
    • Alt text
    • Sitemap creation
  • Google Analytics and Google Search Console setup



Subscription Options


-Monthly Payment-

  • Monthly website maintenance, including:
    • Google Analytics and Google Search Console review
    • Fixing broken URLs
    • Updating metadata
    • List of SEO improvement opportunities
  • Monthly website performance report



+ Expansion

-Monthly Payment-

  • Everything under “Maintenance”
  • Update Content
  • Check internal links and backlinks
  • Monthly newsletter of SEO updates, advice, and more



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Individual Projects

Some websites will need more attention and require larger projects, outside of the above defined scopes.

These projects may include:

  • Blog categorization and implementation
  • Blog calendar
  • Custom data reports
  • Site re-structure

For projects such as these, please contact us for an estimated quote.

“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver. It will give you the means for the satisfaction of your desires, but it will not provide you with desires.”

― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


Whether you’re curious about optimizing your website or creating a website, let us help you establish an online presence.